Review Fredrik Österling 2015 (Dialogues Tremblants)

Fredrik Österling – New Directions Festival

Release Details

Date : 2015-02-28
Place : Piteå (Swe)

About "Dialogues Tremblants"

“Beste has gained a reputation as the Wallraff of New Music, if you remember the investigative journalist; the one who gave rise to a verb of his own – Wallraff-ing. Namely, in this work, Beste is stepping inside the innermost mechanics and functions of the pipe organ, examining and exposing previously unheard sounds from its mighty interior.”

(Translation by Ansgar Beste)


“Beste har profilerat sig som den nya musikens Wallraff, om ni minns den undersökande journalisten; han som gav upphov till ett eget verb – Wallraffande. Beste kliver i detta verk nämligen in i orgelns innersta mekanik och funktioner, synar och exponerar tidigare ohörda ljud från dess mäktiga innanmäte.”


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